Menezes Bros Inc. Hay Products
We carry hay products, hay cube products, and Nutrena Feed products for export and domestic sales.
Please see below for products available or for special order. Click on any product in order to learn more.
Wired Bale Hay
Baled hay is budget-friendly and in stock all year round. Baled hay is sold by the weight with one-ton bales available upon request.
Hay Cubes
Hay cubes are a great, consistent source of nutrients for your horse. We use the best hay available when producing our cubes to ensure the highest-quality hay cubes.
Nutrena® Products
Nutrena® has a wide selection of nutritious animal products to choose from. Menezes Bros. carries Alfalfa Pellets, Shredded Beet Pulp, Hen Scratch Grains and many more.
Wire-Baled Hay
Menezes Bros. of Sparks, Nevada carries three types of Baled Hay:
Alfalfa Hay
Grass/Alfalfa Mix
Straight Grass Hay
Why use wire-baled hay?
- In stock all year round
- Product sold by weight
- Lowest cost to customer
- One-ton bales available on request

Hay Cubes
Menezes Bros. of Sparks, Nevada carries three types of Hay Cubes:
Alfalfa Cubes
Oat/Alfalfa Mix
Timothy/Alfalfa Cubes
Why use hay cubes?
- No waste when feeding with cubes
- Cubes are much easier to manage when feeding
- High in nutrients with consistent nutrient content
- Can be shipped in bulk or 50lb bags around the world

Nutrena® Feed Products
We carry many Nutrena products that keep your animal’s nutrition in tip-top shape:
Alfalfa Pellets
Shredded Beet Pulp
C.O.B. with Molasses
Dry C.O.B.
Crimped Rolled Oats
Egg Layer Pellets
Egg Layer Crumbles
Hen Scratch Grains
Life Design Senior
Life Design Youth
Sweet Stuff
Wheat Bran
Plain & Trace Mineral Salt Blocks and Shavings are also available!
Facts and Benefits about Nutrena Feed Products
- Large Variety of Products to choose from
- 50-lb bags available
- High-Quality Products at Competitive prices